Zero Waste Map Forums Support Embed this map

Ce sujet a 4 réponses, 3 participants et a été mis à jour par  mdibaiee, il y a 4 ans et 11 mois.

  • Auteur
  • #2699

    Cindy Bavré


    it’s not possible to embed the map in an free blog.
    Is it possible to get the API-key so people who have a free website or blog can also integrate the map?
    In wordpress it looks like this [googlemaps]


  • #2827
    Admin bbPress

    Hi Cindy, unfortunately it’s not possible this way, because it’s not a pure google map. Is there no way for you to insert small HTML snippets or an iFrame? One of both is required for embedding the map.

  • #2929

    Cindy Bavré

    No, with blogger its possible but not with wordpress.
    No problem, I understand.

  • #11483



    We are trying to embed the map, but unfortunately the data-center parameter is not working properly.

    See this URL:, Ireland&radius=10

    This URL is used when I use these parameters:

    <div id= »zerowastemap » style= »display: block; » data-lang= » » data-type= » » data-center= »Dublin, Ireland » data-radius= »10″ data-allow= »fullscreen,geolocation » data-style= »width: 100%; height: 500px; max-width: 100%; »></div>

    While this does filter stores in 10km radius of Dublin, Ireland, the map still is centered at Germany. I tried a lot of different hacks but was not able to get it working. Any help please?

  • #11484


    Interesting is that if I do not set a radius (or set it to 0), the map does get centered on Dublin, but then there are no stores or pins on the map because the radius is zero.


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